Friday, March 2, 2012

My Living Room Ocean

My husband and I recently moved (...again... but that's another story). A couple of weekends ago I suddenly got a horrible itching to put something on our naked living room wall. Between paychecks I was looking to pinch pennies and couldn't really run out and buy a bunch of huge family photo prints- so instead I raided my craft closet.

Inside I found some flat canvases and acrylic paints I had been saving.  I took an old sheet, laid it out in my living room, and got to painting!  It was ridiculously relaxing to turn on some music and bringing some colors to life.  I hadn't painted in over a year and it felt awesome! (ok... so keep in mind I am NOT an amazing painter- but that didn't change it's therapeutic effects.)

Not too shabby eh? I took some yarn and hot-glued it on the back of the canvases so I could hang them up. But from the moment I got them on the walls... they just didn't look right.  Sadly the picture doesn't quite do the situation justice. The yellow-tan from the paintings and the brown tan from the walls clashed in the most stomach-churning way.  I thought maybe I just needed to get used to them- but in the days that followed- walking into my living room became a moment of dread. I tried to ignore the wall- divert my eyes.  I just was NOT happy with the end result. 

I debated options, but eventually I decided there was only one realistic option. I needed to paint over them.  Also hanging in the room is an ocean-scene my grandma painted.  I liked the way the blues and greens complimented the navy curtains and the green/brown rug. (...none of which are sadly pictured.)

So I pulled-out my painting sheet and supplies again. And I got to painting!

Here's the final result. I like them SO much better! I apologize again for the horrible quality- but you get the main idea. As I was finishing them and signing my name, I realized that I never signed the first set I had painted. I guess even my subconscious knew they weren't right. These ones however, are bright and full of life. My heart feels lighter seeing them on the wall. They remind me of the ocean (which is good because thats what I was going for).

The whole project was so easy. I was thinking- it would be really simple to even paint on some pieces of cardboard and use the same yarn and glue method to hang them up.  I could have divided landscapes in every room of my house!  Overboard? Maybe.

For now I'll relax on my couch and enjoy my living room ocean.

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